49th Blundell Lectures Series

49TH Blundell Lectures Sseries – Topical Issues in Property Law
June 2024 – Inner Temple, London – In-person (limited numbers) and online tickets available
Renewables Projects, Partial Experts, Natural Disasters and Protest Remedies
We’re delighted to announce that booking is now open for the Blundell Lectures 2024 and we very much hope you will be able to attend.
Held at the Inner Temple lecture theatre, London on Monday 3, 10, 17 and 24 June from 6pm-7.30pm followed by networking and reception. The lectures will once again be providing cutting-edge insights into some of the most important topics in property law today.
Book now to secure your tickets for all four events. We look forward to seeing you there.
Estoppel, Covenants, Nuisance, Good Faith & Endeavours Obligations
We’re delighted to announce that booking is now open for the Blundell Lectures 2023 and we very much hope you will be able to attend.
Held at the LSE, London on 5, 12, 21 and 26 June, the Lectures will once again be providing cutting-edge insights into some of the most important topics in property law today.
Book now to secure your tickets for all four events. We look forward to seeing you there.
“’When it comes to property law training, the Blundell series really is the high watermark of quality. Year on year it delivers exceptional lectures that are both thought-provoking and practically significant. Delivered by industry-leading speakers as well as esteemed members of the judiciary, the content of the lectures never fails to offer a Pandora’s box of tips, tricks and insight to practitioners”
Mark Reading, Partner, Mishcon De Reya LLP and Chair, Property Litigation Association
Net surplus to benevolent associations:
– Barristers’ Benevolent Fund Association
– The Solicitors’ Charity and RICS Lionheart