The Barristers’ Benevolent Association was originally founded on 10th January 1873.
We are now a charitable company limited by guarantee which was incorporated in England and Wales on 11th November 2004, number 05284271. The company gained charitable status on 15th November 2004, registration number 1106768.
The company was established under a Memorandum of Association which sets out the objects and powers of the charitable company and is governed under its Articles of Association.

How our activities deliver public benefit
The Charity seeks to reach every practising barrister every year to ensure they are aware of the potential assistance available from the Association and to seek their financial support. This is primarily achieved through e-book circulation via our website. View past editions here.
The Barristers’ Benevolent Association also attends relevant conferences and seek publicity in professional magazines. Our web site includes information for both donors and potential beneficiaries and has a downloadable application form.
We also have a small team of volunteer Circuit Representatives who are able to make visits locally and publicise our work.
Grants range from small amounts of cash, regular food vouchers, payment of specific bills such as TV licences, car tax, telephone bills or the purchase of equipment or medicine not available from the NHS.
We do not undertake to pay school fees for children other than the occasional cases where the student is coming up to an important examination or there is some other compelling circumstance.
Grants & Loans
Secured or Unsecured
Where an IVA or bankruptcy is the only answer then we can smooth the way with professional advice as well as practical and moral support.
The terminally ill have been enabled to spend their last days at home, their carers supported and occasionally given a last short break away for a family to make the most of their time together.
Each case is considered individually and on its own merits: the range of our assistance is limited only by the needs of our beneficiaries and our ability to pay.
If you are unfortunate enough to experience bad luck we will be here to help, whether you have supported us or not.
We hope you will bear us in mind, and help if you can.
We help to fund:
Extras which can make an important difference to someone’s life include:
Financial support from The BBA can include:
Children are given a birthday and Christmas gift but the BBA does not normally contribute to school fees.
Each case is considered individually and on its own merits: the range of our assistance is limited only by the needs of our beneficiaries and our ability to pay.